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Cut Copy jsou možná nejvýraznější z australské nové elektro vlny, která se nedávno objevila zejména na labelu Modular Recordings. Z jejich stáje vyšli např. Van She, The Presets, The Avalanches ale také Wolfmother. Cut Copy, inpirováni 80's new wave a synth-popem, vznilkli už v roce 2001, ale průlom se jim podařil až druhou deskou In Ghost Colours z roku 2008. Ta vystřelila na vrchol australského řebřičku s hity Hearts on Fire nebo Light & Music. Nová nahrávka, Zonoscope, vyšla počátkem letošního roku a opakuje předešlý úspěch.
Po parádních pražských koncertech The Presets nebo Architecture in Helsinki jde o další australskou partičku, která se představí v Česku.
Cut Copy are probably the most shining of Australia's new electro wave that's been around for few years and is generally gathered around the sharp Modular Recordings label. For those who don't know, these are the guys that brought you Van She, The Avalanches, The Presets or Wolfmother. Cut Copy, inspired by 80's new-wave and synth-pop, began as a project by then DJ and graphic designer Dan Whitford in 2001 and released their debut Bright Like Neon Love three years later, but the breakthrough came with their second album In Ghost Colours in 2008. Shot all way to the top of Australian charts, it yielded hits like Hearts on Fire or Light & Magic, that are still loved by fans around the world. For the next record, the band had let the fans wait: Zonoscope came out early this year and continues to build a strong cult for the band (8.6/10 at Pitchfork, 2nd place in dance albums U.S. Billboard chart). After Prague gigs by The Presets or Architecture in Helsinki, this is the next big Australian band to hit Czech venue.  
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picture CUT COPY (AUS)