Detail info



Datum: 15. října 2024
Místo: ROXY
Adresa: Dlouhá 33, Praha 1-Staré Město


říj. 2024
Door Open At 7 PM


Informace o akci

BOOMBOX vyráží na turné po Evropě. Jedenáct zemí, sedmnáct měst - sdílíme lásku k hudbě a vy, přátelé, se k nám na Drone Tour připojte. Bude pokračovat tak dlouho, dokud Ukrajina ještě nedosáhne vítězství. Ano, zpíváme a hrajeme hudbu, ale také kupujeme Mavicy, generátory, antény, REB, FPV a mnoho dalšího. Jedním z nejlepších pocitů je, když muži a ženy, obránci z předních linií, říkají: "Děkuji". Posílejte pozdravy na koncertech."Přijďte a my vám je předáme".

Dva a půl roku neustálých koncertů

Two and a Half Years of Constant Concerts At Boombox concerts over the past two and a half years, you might hear the phrase, “This concert is not commercial.” It’s not entirely accurate we strive to make every concert tour in the United States, Europe, Canada, and the United Kingdom as profitable as possible. We’re not only trying to put on a powerful performance but also to raise as much money as we can. This is our humble mission: through the Andriy Khlyvnyuk Foundation, we aim to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the necessary supplies. Achieving this is possible thanks to each of you who attend our concerts, buy our merchandise, and make donations.

The best compliment for the band is your comments after the concert, such as “it feels like being at home,” your trust when you buy flags with the Boomdox emblem, and the money you hand over directly after the concert. We enjoy playing for everyone, as Andriy Khlyvnyuk jokes, who knows “a few words” from BoomBox songs, but we enjoy even more doing important things with you.

So in October, we’re going on a tour of Europe. Eleven countries, seventeen cities, three promo agencies we share a love for music, and you, friends, are joining us on the Drone Tour. It will continue as long as Ukraine has not yet achieved victory. If you’re currently in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, France, Belgium, or Hungary, come listen to your “favorite band” and make your contribution to our common goal on the path to victory. Yes, we sing and play music, but we also buy Mavics, generators, antennas, REBs, FPVs, and much more. One of the best feelings is when the men and women, defenders from the front lines, say, “Thank you. Send greetings at the concerts.” Come, and we will pass them along.

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